Opening the
Ancient World
A Virtual Conference
Religion, History, & Culture
August 15 & 16, 2021
A FREE Virtual Conference presented by Digital Hammurabi & SASA
Digital Hammurabi and Save Ancient Studies Alliance have partnered to create a new type of conference for ALL Ancient Studies scholars.
The goals of this conference are:
Begin building a joint community of scholars including both those not on the traditional academic path and those in the ivory tower.
Hold a conference freely available to the public.
Present and support excellent scholarship by scholars at the fringes of the academic community and researchers who have not followed the traditional tenure-track career path.
Foster discussion and action regarding public outreach and scholarly inclusiveness.
The conference will also include two round-table discussions to conclude each day:
Diversity in Ancient Studies: Problem Solving Through Outreach
Research Outside the Academy: Building an Inclusive Environment
We aim to bring together scholars who do not normally have the opportunity to present and engage with scholarship, including:
Completed a PhD and are now professionals in other fields
Left PhD programs
Contingent faculty
Academics from marginalized groups
Teachers, professors, and staff from all educational institutions
Cultural resource management professionals
Independent scholars
Any scholar of the Ancient Mediterranean and Mesopotamia, broadly defined, is welcomed and encouraged to submit an academic paper proposal in the subject areas of Religion, Culture, or History. In addition, all presenters are strongly encouraged to participate in at least one of the two discussion groups, as follows.
In this inclusive context, beyond the scholarly presentations, we will also host special sessions in which we aim to discuss a range of issues pertaining to the precarious situation of Ancient Studies. These discussions will broach the issues of how to develop outreach by Ancient Studies scholars, further inclusiveness, and reimagine scholarship as a lifelong pursuit within a diverse yet inclusive scholarly community.
Keynote Speakers
Conference Organizers