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SASA Survey

Take our 5-minute survey to help us Save Ancient Studies!

Are you interested in helping SASA draw more students into Ancient Studies?


As part of SASA’s research project on The Downward Trend in Ancient Studies, we are working on understanding what draws people into Ancient Studies in the first place! Please spend 5 minutes to take this survey and help us work toward saving Ancient Studies. The results of this survey will help us analyze the variety of paths into our fields and to thereby better target SASA’s strategies for engaging young adults in the ancient world and attracting new students to Ancient Studies in general. 


Anyone high school age or older is eligible to take the survey. All collected data will remain private.

Check out our video where SASA's Founder & Director, David Danzig, explains the importance of Ancient Studies, the gravity of this downward trend, and how we can reverse it; with your help!

Help us reach 1000 responses!

Current Count: 723

Updated June 16, 2021

Start the Survey!


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SASA's Archaeogaming Education Program is supported by grants from NEH, NJCH, and University of North Carolina.

Learn more here.

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Any views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this Web resource, do not necessarily represent those of the National Endowment for the Humanities.


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