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Port Ancient
Welcome to Port Ancient, SASA's Partner Project Gallery!
Below, you will find a variety of projects, from purely scholarly work, to podcasts and even operas, which SASA believes help pave the way to Save Ancient Studies and make them more accessible.

Accessible Art History
Accessible Art History is all about creating an accessible space for art history lovers, students, or anyone who is curious to learn about art history and its importance. This is accomplished through social media (Instagram, YouTube, Facebook), a blog, and curriculum creation.
Analisa - Founder. Analisa founded Accessible Art History in 2019 to share her passion of art history and education with others. She graduated in 2013 with an honors bachelor of arts in art history from the University of Washington and is currently pursuing a Master's in Secondary Education with an emphasis in the Humanities from Grand Canyon University. Analisa's speciality is Early Christianity through Medieval art, with an emphasis on pilgrimage and relics/reliquaries.

Altminster is a platform for studying academic subjects outside of the university that matches independent academics with independent students. For students, we provide a listing of online courses and private instructors available. For academics, we provide help in finding students. We also have a growing library of free resources, including large sections dedicated to the ancient world, with lots of material to help those studying ancient history and languages.
Colin Gorrie is a linguist working on making the field accessible to those outside academia through the power of the internet.
Angélica Isa is a museum conservator focused on bringing heritage conservation to the forefront and into the public sphere.

Archaeology Now
Archaeology Now tells the stories of humanity across the globe and through time to an audience of the general public. We show how the ancient world is still present today and formed who we are. Archaeology Now creates original content for a YouTube channel and educational curriculum for elementary and middle school students, produces family programs, adult talks, and Zoom lectures, undertakes cemetery preservation, and creates Culinary Adventures. All activities can be found on our website at archaeologynow.org
Becky Lao - Executive Director

Asian and Asian American Classical Caucus
We support, connect, mentor, and encourage Asian and Asian American scholars of Classics and the ancient Mediterranean.
Christopher Waldo, Co-Chair
Assistant Professor of Classics, University of Washington.
Arum Park, Co-Chair
Associate Professor of Classics, University of Arizona.
Ethan Ganesh Warren, Programming Officer
Ph.D. Student, University of Texas.
Tori Lee, outreach Officer
Postdoctoral Fellow, Boston University.
Lorraine Abagatnan, financial officer
Ph.D. Student, University of Michigan.
Annie Huynh, Secondary Education Liaison.
Kate meng brassel, Mentorship Coordinator.

BC Apparel
Inspired by Iron Age Britain, each design depicts a stylised Celtic coin of your chosen Tribe. My goal is to raise awareness of the Tribes that dominated Britain during the Iron Age and to show off the artistry behind the coins that were produced. I see the clothing as a conversation starter, which would hopefully in return boost the awareness of Ancient Britain.
George - BC Apparel Founder, @britain.bc Instagram Content Creator.

Classical Association of South Africa
The Classical Association of South Africa (CASA) has been in existence since as early as 1908, and has existed in its current form since 1956. The aim of CASA is to promote the study and appreciation of classical antiquity. The majority of our membership consists of academic staff and students, but membership is open to anyone who subscribes to this goal. The Association produces a regular journal, Acta Classica, and organises a national conference at its biennial meeting (usually in June). The national branches of the Association organise more frequent regional meetings (usually in the spring or autumn of each year)
The Association subsidises the publication of Akroterion (Journal for the Classics in South Africa, Department of Ancient Studies at the University of Stellenbosch) and sponsors various prizes and awards.
The Association also promotes several outreach initiatives aimed at cultivating a wider public interest in the Classics, and at bringing classical culture and ancient languages to South Africans of all ages and backgrounds.

Digital Hammurabi
Digital Hammurabi is a public outreach and digital humanities project, the creative brainchild of Assyriologist Megan Lewis which she begun in April 2018. The project consists of a YouTube channel, podcast and animated videos to make the ancient Near East accessible. Megan is ably assisted by a number of friends and colleagues.
Megan Lewis, E. L. Meszaros, Sara Mohr and Dr. Joshua Bowen

Egyptology State of the Field
The Egyptology State of the Field is an independent, collaborative, international project staffed by volunteers with backgrounds in Egyptology and Egyptology-adjacent fields. This comprehensive analysis of demographic, educational, and occupational data will obtain a snapshot of what Egyptology in the United States is, who Egyptologists are, and where they work. The Egyptology State of the Field is working towards publishing their findings as an open access source with hopes to invite additional voices to suggest improvements and reforms to the field.
Creator and Team Lead of the project is Professor Stacy Davidson is an Egyptologist and ancient historian at Johnson County Community College in Overland Park, Kansas. The names and bios of each team member can be found on the project website https://egyptologystats.wordpress.com/our-team/

Following Hadrian
A native of France based in Germany (Frankfurt am Main) and employed in the UK music industry, Carole Raddato is a self-trained photographer and ancient history enthusiast. She started her popular blog, Following Hadrian, in 2012 to illustrate the journeys made by the restless Roman emperor Hadrian, an accomplished and enthusiastic traveller who visited almost every province in the Empire during his reign. Years of following in Hadrian’s footsteps have led her to photograph well over 1000 sites and museums focusing on the classical past. Her images, archived at the American Academy in Rome, have found their way into hundreds of academic books. Raddato has also published a steady stream of illustrated essays for Ancient History Magazine and articles for the online Ancient History Encyclopedia, as well as Antigone Journal and University of California Press.
Carole Raddato - Carole maintains the popular ancient history photo-blog Following Hadrian, where she travels the world in the footsteps of emperor Hadrian.

HeritageDaily is an independent publisher of the latest scientific discoveries, research, and travel news. First launched as an archaeology blog in 2011, the site has grown into a publisher of general scientific subjects, with a focus on archaeology, anthropology, palaeoanthropology, and palaeontology. Unlike many paywall publishers, we pride ourselves in offering a totally free platform for our millions of visitors, delivering a pseudo-free editorial service.
Mark Milligan - Managing Editor

Isegoria Publishing
Classicists and Publishers Stefanos Apostolou and Manolis Pagkalos met during their undergraduate years at the University of Athens, where they studied History and Archaeology (and frequented other, more popular and nocturnal venues). They lived parallel lives and crossed paths again in East Midlands, UK, where they studied for their PhDs (Classics for Stefanos, Archaeology and Ancient History for Manolis), and often quarrelled over which is the best place to live in the area, Nottingham or Leicester. The foundation of Isegoria Publishing in Nottingham is definitely a win for Stefanos and the city of Robin Hood. Divided by geography but united in values, Manos and Stefanos’ publishing house and education hub supports authors to write their best work and delivers seminars to disseminate specialised knowledge across the world.
Stefanos Apostolou and Manolis Pagkalos

Let's Talk About Myths, Baby!
Let's Talk About Myths, Baby! is a twice-a-week podcast creating narrative episodes relating to Greek and Roman mythology and literature, and conversation episodes featuring scholars and academics speaking about their expertise and fields.
Liv Albert, creator and host with a degree in Classics, author of two books relating to Greek Mythology. Michaela Smith, research (and many other things!) assistant currently pursuing a degree in Ancient Mediterranean Studies.

Moirai Myths - The Good People (Na Daoine Maithe)
Moirai Myths in a indie game studio that is passionate about telling the stories of traditionally excluded voices. Our project is a staggered release PC Visual Novel that promotes Ancient Irish culture, customs, and language. Through fiction we investigate the causes of cultural erasure, the long-term effects of colonization on native cultures, and aim to revitalize interest in Ancient Irish history and studies.
Clotho - Co-founder/Writer: BA in Creative Writing, Canadian, She/Her, long standing interest in Irish Mythology and history which drove her to create this project with the other founders.
Lachesis - Co-founder/Writer: Pursuing a PhD in Philosophy, American, multi-racial, she/her, long standing love of Irish mythology and a desire to investigate its pre-Christian history influenced her decision to found this project.
Atropos - Co-founder/Programmer: They/Them, Asian American, B.S. in Information Technology, Their desire to include traditionally excluded voices in media is why they chose to join this project as a co-founder.

Old Stuff
New to writing for a public audience, Louie is hoping to hone his style whilst also telling interesting stories about the ancient world. Old Stuff seeks to investigate the ancient world through analyses of objects, rather than a heavy focus on literary sources. In doing so, the aim is to shed some light on the lives of ordinary people, the things they used, and the places they visited, rather than relying on the written work of a few individuals. Talking about these objects makes them more accessible to everyone and allows us to avoid solely using written evidence.
Louie Wheeler - A second year History student at Manchester Metropolitan University with a passion for Ancient History.

Philosophia Perennis
We have been organizing a classic texts (in translation) discussion group for over 15 years. We have generally been focused on the Greco-Roman tradition, but occasionally have read ancient texts originally in ancient Hebrew, Sumerian and Babylonian. The group is designed to engage non-specialist members of the public in a lifelong focus on ancient texts and their understanding. While one core of the group's focus has been on the most central works of the Socratic philosophic tradition (i.e., Plato and Aristotle), other texts have ranged considerably farther afield.
We do not have a hierarchical structure. Alex Gorelik and Phil Kain do much of the practical organizing of the group currently. Alex Gorelik is retired from a career in the investment management industry and has a BA in philosophy from Pomona College. Phil Kain is Professor Emeritus of Philosophy at Santa Clara University. His writing has focused on 19th century German philosophy. Phil has a Phd in Philosophy from UCSD and a BA in philosophy from St. Mary's College of California.

Queer and the Classical
The objective of the Queer and the Classical research network is to bring together young researchers and artists interested in the intersections of queerness and classical material, broadly defined. We aim also to foster new and radical ways to imagine future engagements with the queer and the classical both inside and outside of academia, with a particular focus on creative responses and receptions. This work is not limited to the field of Classics but is necessarily interdisciplinary and even antidisciplinary.
Marcus Bell (he/they), Marcus works on choreographing tragedy at the turn of the twenty-first century, with a particular focus on queer theory and performance studies.
Eleonora Colli (she/her), Eleonora studies the role played by the figure of the simile in disturbing the gender binary, both across classical literature and its modern receptions.
Nicolette D'Angelo (she/her), Nicolette studies the reception of ancient Greek medicine and its receptions, especially with regard to ancient and modern conceptions of gender and sexuality.

Shield of Skuld is a project dedicated to historical education and includes special areas such as the Viking age, Old Norse literature, the Early Middle Ages and Germanic philology. It aims to provide well-researched content and serve as a link between academic knowledge and the general public.
Dr. Irina Manea - historian specialising in the Viking age and Icelandic sagas; history and language teacher.

The Artemis Research Centre
The Artemis Centre is a platform where informal and non-academic conversations meet scholarly work and ongoing research developments. The Centre allows members who are interested in ancient goddess worship to browse research files, recent conference presentations, photo galleries, lectures presented online, and other information hosted by historical organizations, all in one place. New and on-trend collaborative projects such a podcasts, myth in film, media, and art, will also be available to members who will be invited to join workshops, short courses and interactive lectures that allow everyone, from all walks of life, to engage in learning without boundaries.
Dr. Carla Ionescu is a distinguished scholar, ancient historian, and Artemis expert, whose insights have shed light on the mysteries of Artemis in antiquity. Her pioneering work with The Artemis Research Centre and The Goddess Project podcast is expanding the way we understand the ancient world.

The High Hunsley Deserted Medieval Project
The overall vision of Ethos Heritage CIC is for community driven archeological projects where all feel welcome and valued.
Our projects are places where everyone is included, making a contribution and reaching their full potential. We strive to delivering first class archeology, innovative education and training.
Ethos Heritage CIC seek to build and encourage community integration and cohesion in the area we work; creating safe and inspiring local archeological projects that provide integrated and diverse activates to benefit individuals and whole communities.
Richard Coates MA, Site Director. Richard is a commercial archaeologist with over 12 years experience and holds a MA in Archaeology from The University of Hull.
Emma Samuel, Assistant Site Director, a former commercial Archaeologist for a number of years she holds a First Class Honors BA in Archaeology from the University of York.

The Philagora Review
This is one of the leading teenage journals of the Classics, a forum for young scholars to discuss, analyze, and learn. In light of the versatility of our digital platform, we strive to publish various non-textual media offerings alongside traditional written publications. Publishing a quarterly journal for scholars interested in longer articles, we utilize both external submissions as well as internal contributions.
Beyond the simple translations in the classroom, Philagora holds a larger mission for the Classics Community: Revitalize the Classics. We plan on achieving this goal through a equitable, scholarly environment for all students. Our main outputs include articles posted on our website, zoom Q&A's, and a written journals.
Aaron Chung, Co-Founder/Editor in Chief. Julian Dahl, Co-Founder/Editor in Chief. Hamilton Gundlach, Co-Founder/Director of Multimedia.

The Sun of God
The Sun of God is a historical retelling of Gaius Octavius' rise to power at 19-years-old, following his relationships with Agrippa, Marcus Antonius, Livia, and Octavia. I wish to bring history to life through these relationships, but also bring us closer to history by highlighting their humanity. I hope to open a dialogue between the study of history and our contemporary culture and inspire more people to study ancient history. The Sun of God reminds us that history is not dead and buried or limited to academia, but remains alive by telling the stories of the past in new ways.
Zoë Tavares Bennett - Zoë is a writer based in Los Angeles, California and (sometimes) Lisbon, Portugal. She is the author of the historical novel The Sun of God, which she began writing while studying at the Centro in Rome. Zoë studied Classics at Williams College, specializing in Ancient Greek and Latin, and now enjoys studying Indo-European languages. When she is not reimagining the ancient world, Zoë loves to travel to ancient sites, read Classic and fantasy novels, write about Tolkien, and play tennis.

Vanaheim Vikings
Vanaheim is a member of The Vikings, the oldest and largest early medieval re-enactment society in the UK. We work to educate and inspire interest in Vikings, Anglo-Saxons, Normans and other early medieval peoples through historical recreation and battle reenactment. We're constantly working to improve the authenticity of our displays so we can feel confident we're portraying something as close to historical reality as possible.
Raffi Thomas, Sturaesman of Vanaheim. An English and History graduate from the University of York. I am assisted by a large committee including our Authenticity Officer, Leah De Bernardi, a Linguistics Masters student and historical costumer.

What's Your History? Podcast
A history podcast where Kayleigh Hunter chats with different guests from all backgrounds, about their historical topic of choice.
Being a podcast that can cover any period, it makes the Ancient world (and other periods) available to people who may have never heard of it before, and might encourage them to look into the subject or period further.
Kayleigh Hunter and different guests

Zylla's Anthenaeum
Zylla's Athenaeum is a YouTube channel and associated Twitch channel where Zylla talks Leftist politics, ancient history, and games. The project was founded when Zylla could no longer stand working in academia under the unfair treatment of students, but still wanted to teach, becoming something of an ancient studies communicator. All content is aimed at making complex or esoteric ideas more accessible to a non-academic audience.
Zylla Black (she/they) is a YouTuber, writer, and independent academic. She has multiple higher degrees in ancient studies, and regularly makes videos about ancient world content and education.

All About the Ancient World
AATAW is an online lecture series which hosts free, accessible, educational video presentations about the ancient world. We’re like an academic conference -- but online, ongoing, and without any of the fees and constraints which often make traditional conferences inaccessible. Our presentations are aimed at a non-specialist, general audience, so they may be enjoyed by academics and non-academics alike. AATAW is dedicated to promoting the voices of early career researchers (ECRs), so all of our presenters are currently enrolled in a graduate program, or have graduated in the last two years. We also welcome submissions from ECRs at non-academic research institutions.
AATAW Team: Emily Prosch, Sierra Schiano, Kristine Mallinson, and Donovan Heidler. All team members have graduate backgrounds in Classics and archaeology

Ancient History Magazine
Ancient History Magazine is a bi-monthly publication with six issues a year covering many periods and cultures from ancient history, from Greece and Rome to Mesopotamia and China. Every issue is divided between theme and non-theme articles, with every article accompanied by gorgeous illustrations and high-quality images of artefacts to immerse you in the ancient world fully.
Jasper Oorthuys - Editor-in-Chief
Owain Williams - Editor
Lauren van Zoonen - Image Researcher

Archaeodeath: The Archaeology and Heritage of Death and Memory
Initiated in 2013, Archaeodeath is an ongoing public education and engagement project in the public archaeology of death. It comprises a WordPress blog (from 2013), YouTube channel (from 2020) and TikTok account (from 2020) and disseminated via social media. Archaeodeath explores data and debates in the archaeology and heritage of death, burial, commemoration and social memory from prehistory to the present day.
Professor Howard Williams BSc MA PhD FSA - Professor of Archaeology at the University of Chester and expert in mortuary archaeology and the Early Middle Ages

Archaeology Tube
Archaeology Tube is a YouTube channel broadly covering the topics of archaeology and history. The channel focuses especially on archaeology in media, combating pseudo-archaeology, and scientific analysis of controversial or otherwise interesting archaeological sites. Offering free content in the form of long and short form videos as well as live streaming is meant to make these topics as accessible as possible, particularly to younger demographics.
Bill Farley, Associate Professor, Southern Connecticut State University. Dr. Farley is a historical archaeologist who studies the colonial period in Southern New England, especially in Connecticut. He is also involved in various science communication and public archaeology outreach programs. His other research interests include the intersection of archaeology and media, especially games, and combating pseudo-science and pseudo-archaeology.

Asiatic Society for Social Science Research (ASSSR)
ASSSR seeks to promote and coordinate Social Science research and to serve as a forum for exchange of knowledge through annual sessions, conferences, and seminars. The organisation is working towards making research and scholarly papers freely accessible online while also publishing works.
President-Mr. Ashu J.
Vice President-Dr. Pramod Kumar Ray.
Treasurer-Mr. Prabira Sethy
Secretary-Mr. Aalok Kumar
Joint Secretary-Ms. Bishnu Kumari Gurung

By Jove Theatre Company
By Jove tell old stories in new ways. We take myths, pull them apart, and weave them back
together for a contemporary audience. We elevate women and LGBTQ+ artists, and work to make theatre more representative for all.
By Jove have staged several productions based on ancient Greek tragedy and myth over the ten years we have been working together, including new versions of Medea, Bacchae, the Oresteia and others. We present innovative theatre, poetry and other media with immersive, engaging elements to encourage new audiences to experience these ancient stories.
The company, who work collaboratively on all projects, are: Marcus Bell, SJ Brady, David Bullen, Sinead Costelloe, Susanna Dye, Wendy Haines, Christine Plastow, James Potter, Nicole Savin, Alexander Woodward.

Classical Wisdom
Classical Wisdom is a site dedicated to bringing Ancient wisdom for modern minds as well as future minds. Our aim to promote and preserve the love of ancient history, philosophy, mythology and literature through our newsletter, podcast, and society.
Anya Leonard, Founder and Director, Classical Wisdom

Down and Dirty with Naomi
Down and Dirty with Naomi seeks to photograph and document museums and cultural heritage sites around the world in an effort to make the arts and culture accessible to all. With the goal to bring inclusion to those who cannot afford the cost of such trips, entrance fees or other travel costs, or to those who would not be able to physically experience the location. Naomi seeks to record these locations to provide a guideline for the accessibility, to enlightening those who would visit, while also creating open-source 3D renderings of art and artifacts to be made more widely accessible.
Naomi is a Digital Heritage Specialist and a TV/Film Expert with the agency Past Preservers. She is a staunch advocate for intersectional studies and the techniques used to digitize and document the ancient past into a more accessible world. Her main area of interest is the Late Antiquities period of the Mediterranean, with a focus on temples, religious worship, and archaeoastronomy. Naomi’s ultimate goal is to film and document the ancient past, providing tours with accessibility features, as well as create open-sourced 3D renderings and models of artifacts for future researchers. Naomi is a multi-racial woman with hearing aids, fluent in English, American Sign Language, and British Sign Language, and she is dedicated to making the arts and culture accessible to all.

Endangered Alphabets Project
The Endangered Alphabets Project is the only organization in the world dedicated to researching and advocating for indigenous and minority groups that have their own unique writing system, through talks, exhibitions, writing, and the creation of educational materials games, and artwork.
Tim Brookes, founder, the Endangered Alphabets Project

Harappa.com: The Ancient Indus Valley Civilization
Harappa.com has been the major website on the ancient Indus or Harappan Civilization (3500-1700 BCE) since 1995. Leading scholars from India, Pakistan, the US, UK, and Europe have published their work in slideshows, essays and articles that cover the basic facts and the latest research.
Too little is understood about the ancient Indus civilization in India and Pakistan. Its unread script makes it hard to be sure about so many things - not the name of a single ruler, place, or even word is known.
In a vacuum, fictions flourish. Yet the pace of discoveries has never been quicker, the number of investigators never larger. We are here to tell you what is really going on.
Omar Khan, Nadine Zubair, Ilona Aronovsky, Jeff Turner, with major contributions by Dr. Jonathan Mark Kenoyer, RIchard H. Meadow and other leading Indus archaeologists and the Harappa Archaeological Research Project.

History with Kayleigh
I create videos on Ancient History, mostly focusing on ancient structures and their preservation, human evolution, new archaeological discoveries and more. I create these videos to share this knowledge I have of the ancient world with a large audience and hope to inspire them to do their own research and help preserve these ancient structures and do their part in not ruining the environment further.
Kayleigh During, Youtube Historian.

Journal of Geek Studies
The Journal of Geek Studies is a non-profit magazine on a mission to spread knowledge of science, technology, and the humanities using the power of geekdom. We have a large trove of original articles fusing the most varied academic topics with all things geeky. Despite the Journal's scope being quite broad, we are proud to say we have a fair share of articles focusing on Ancient Studies and love to be involved in making this area of study more accessible to everyone.
The current editorial team of the Journal of Geek Studies is made up of scientists and engineers. The editor-in-chief , Dr Salvador, is a researcher in the Arctic University of Norway.

Mesoamerican Studies Online
The goal of Mesoamerican Studies Online is to help make reliable research about Ancient Mesoamerica more accessible to the general public by creating blog posts and podcast episodes in which we share thematic information (in English and Spanish) about the ancient cultures of Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, Honduras and El Salvador. On the podcast we also interview scholars about their recent projects and we offer free and paid courses for those who wish to learn more. We also believe that it is important to prioritize giving a voice to frequently underrepresented and/or marginalized communities in academia; people of color, women, members of the LGBTQ+ community, and graduate/undergraduate students.
Catherine Nuckols-Wilde, Founder. Catherine is a Mesoamerican art historian who specializes in the art and writing of the Classic Maya.

New Classicists
New Classicists is an online periodical aimed at providing a publication platform for postgraduate students and early career researchers in any field that relates to Antiquity. Our editorial and advisory board members aid in sourcing international academics for the double blind peer reviewing of each accepted article.
Dr Jordon Houston (Chief Editor, Early Career Researcher): PhD in Classics from the Institute of Classical Studies, School of Advanced Studies in 2021. PhD reconstructs the financial aspects of the organisation of Roman Entertainment (gladiatorial combats, athletics, theatre, and chariot racing) between the first century and third century AD.
Giuseppe "Joey" Ficocelli (Chief Editor, Postgraduate): PhD candidate in Classics at the Institute of Classical Studies, School of Advanced Studies. PhD examines the economic history of Roman aristocratic wealth from the 3rd to 1st centuries BCE and how it influenced the political process.

Paizomen is a work-in-progress database of video games set in classical antiquity. Its goal is to catalogue all video games set in or based on ancient Greece and Rome as well as to provide a heuristic, methodological resource for the emerging study of antiquity in games. It is an open access website where anyone interested in video games and antiquity can find useful information, academic bibliography, and a blog series where scholars discuss the ancient world in video games, as well as games they are creating themselves.
Alexander Vandewalle is currently a Joint PhD researcher at the University of Antwerp & Ghent University (Belgium), where he studies the characterization of ancient Greco-Roman heroes & gods in video games set in the ancient world. He previously studied Literature & Linguistics: Latin & Greek at Ghent University (MA 2017), as well as Film Studies & Visual Culture at University of Antwerp (MSc 2018). He is the founder and (currently) sole member of Paizomen (2020).

Pre-owned Past
The goal is to spread awareness of the illicit antiquities trade. I have a website with resources for finding out more about heritage crime, and provenance research. On my website I also have a blog where I post my personal thoughts about the antiquities market.
Emily Peacock. A specialist in cultural heritage crime and the illicit antiquities trade, with a background as a Roman archaeologist.

Religion For Breakfast
Religion For Breakfast is a YouTube channel dedicated to the academic study of religion and improving the public's religious literacy. Many Religion For Breakfast videos examine the history and archaeology of ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern religions.
Dr. Andrew Henry is a scholar of religious studies. His research focuses on religion in the late antique Mediterranean world.

Ta'arikh Podcast
"Ta'arikh Podcast" is a historical-cultural podcast created and presented by researcher Mohammed Al-Qaisi Inyank. Through this program, he aims to shed light on the most prominent and important historical events that have shaped the history of North Africa and its western regions, contributing to the formation and development of the culture of the people who inhabit these areas. This is done by presenting them in an engaging and enjoyable manner, using a scientific and literary approach.
Mohammed Al-Qaisi Anyank, the founder of the project, is a Ph.D. student at the University of Nouakchott.

The Dirt Diaries
The Dirt Diaries began a few years ago with the intent of producing short educational videos surrounding topics of archaeology news, research updates, art history, and more to make learning about the ancient world accessible to everyone. While the Dirt Diaries produces short form content on Instagram and TikTok, in 2024, The Dirt Diaries Podcast was launched to bring the ancient world alive once again, and allow everyone to connect to the history, artifacts, and the people who made them. This isn't your average Indiana Jones adventure, it's so much more.
These are the Dirt Diaries.
Tenninger Kellenbarger, PhD. Dr. K is an archaeologist and art historian who teaches ancient art at Temple University. She specializes in Bronze Age weaponry and combat iconography of the Eastern Mediterranean. When she is not teaching in the classroom, you can find her teaching online under the @dirtdiaries_ delivering archaeology news, updates, and bitesized history videos, or podcasting for The Dirt Diaries or co-hosting the Styx and Bones Podcast.

The Goddess Project Podcast
Unearth the allure of ancient Goddesses in The Goddess Project podcast. Explore Artemis, Medusa, Cybele, their symbols, mythology, and divine feminine connections in women's spiritual history. Join Dr. Carla Ionescu on this captivating journey through time as she reveals forgotten tales and rituals from ancient civilizations. Through research and storytelling, Dr. Ionescu shines a light on the roles these goddesses played in shaping cultural identities and spiritual beliefs. Her work explores the impact of their worship and rituals on ancient societies. This podcast also invites experts in archaeology, mythology, theology, and women's studies to provide insightful perspectives. Their knowledge enriches the conversations and illuminates the connections between the ancient past and our modern lives. Discover the enduring impact of these powerful goddesses in modern culture. Subscribe now for an enlightening experience.
Dr Ionescu

The History of Egypt Podcast
The History of Egypt Podcast tells the story of ancient Egyptians "in their own words." The podcast aims to use the podcast medium to its full advantage, to tell ancient tales in much greater detail than traditional media allows. Using texts, art, archaeology, and historiography, the History of Egypt Podcast introduces the world of the Nile Valley to listeners in ways they haven't heard before.
Dominic Perry, MA in Ancient History from The University of Auckland. Specializes in history of ancient Egypt, with a focus on economic history (Old and New Kingdom), political history (New Kingdom) and urbanism/settlement development (New Kingdom).

The Post Hole
The Post Hole is an open access journal, established in 2008 by students at the University of York. It publishes articles on a wide range of archaeological topics, from prehistory to the present day, giving readers the latest news, research and events in the world of archaeology, heritage and archaeological science. Issues are released via our website and are freely available for anyone to read.
Georgia Smith - Editor-in-Chief; Mia El Hawa, Sophie Gregory and Alex Rogers - Editors

Travelusion Virtual Tours
Video tours (pre-recorded or live streamed) of places unknown or low-key known in the UK. I want to bring that knowledge to as many people as possible so thy can appreciate and interact with the past. The goal of Travelusion is to make history and heritage more accessible to everyone. We believe that the digitisation of the humanities is a way forward to save our patrimony and help the new generations engage with it in the own terms.
Dr Lillian Cespedes Gonzalez - CEO of Travelusion tours. Historian (phD), published author and tour guide. Specialised in history and popular culture, public history, cultural studies, medievalism.

Voices of Ancient Egypt
Voices of Ancient Egypt brings the study of ancient Egypt out from behind the classroom and library walls, so you can experience it in the real world. Through online courses and YouTube videos with over a million views, we specialize in teaching you to read the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs that you’ll see in museums, on Instagram, and on your next trip to Egypt. Experience the full wonder of ancient Egypt in less time and without the overwhelm or your eyes glazing over.
Melinda Nelson-Hurst, Ph.D. is the founder and Egyptologist behind Voices of Ancient Egypt. While her research interests and publications primarily focus on the social history and archaeology of ancient Egypt, especially during the Middle Kingdom – it is Melinda’s passion for teaching and helping Egyptophiles around the world to read hieroglyphs and experience ancient Egypt on a whole new level that led her to found Voices of Ancient Egypt.

World Virtual Tours
We aim to bring knowledge and travel to as many people as possible in an accessible way. Our main current outlet is virtual tours and lectures. We cover a variety of subjects from history and culture including many aspects of ancient civilizations across the world (Alexander the Great, Roman civilizations, the Maya, etc).
WVT was created at the end of 2020 from the idea of Luisa, Emiliano and Ragab, and thanks to the union with expert Tourist Guides, Historians and Archaeologists who have joined the project including Dr Lillian Cespedes Gonzalez.
Our philosophy has always been to involve professionals who are on site and who carry out the same live tours in their normal activity, with all the advantage given by their experience and in-depth knowledge of the subject.

Toldinstone is a YouTube channel that explores the classical world. Some of my videos investigate ancient buildings and cities. Others answer frequently-asked questions about the past, tour famous museums, or delve into ancient mysteries. All my videos aim, in some small way, to bring ancient history to life.
Garrett Ryan

All STEM Leads to Rome
Creative Classics is a small Website dedicated to sharing classical STEM lessons from my Roman Technology and Myth Makers curricula. Want to learn how to teach catapults to kids but don't have wood-working skills and don't want to break the bank? Want to integrate short STEM lessons into your already-existing Latin curriculum? Creative Classics houses lessons that do that and more! Follow us on our blog also: All STEM Leads to Rome.
Nathalie Roy teaches Roman Technology and Myth Makers (as well as Latin) to young teens in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA. Her classes connect STEM to the classical world through experimental archaeology and hands-on history maker projects.

Annelise the Archaeologist
Launched in 2021, @annelisethearchaeologist is a TikTok profile aimed at fostering a greater public interest and excitement for the ancient world, from mythology to everyday artifacts and everything in between. By providing entertaining and accessible short-form videos on a wide range of topics, along with links, sources and books for further reading, people can engage with topics they enjoy and discover new things they may not have otherwise been exposed to in school or in popular media and develop a deeper understanding of history, the ancient world, and the ancient people who lived in it.
Annelise Baer is an archaeologist and producer with nearly two decades of experience behind-the-scenes in the production world and in the field as a member of various archaeological projects, most recently the joint British-Albanian Project Nivica.

Archaeologists Anonymous
Archaeologists Anonymous is a YouTube show that makes learning about the Archaeology of the ancient world fun, engaging and informative. Are you interested in learning how the ancient Romans did their hair? How the Persians won a battle against Egypt using cats? Then check out Archaeologists Anonymous, a safe space to be an Archaeology nerd!
Sean Silvia

Arion: A Journal of Humanities and the Classics
Arion is a classical journal that prides itself in its accessibility to non-specialist readers interested in the core values of the humanities. Elaine Fantham, announcing Arion as the winner of the inaugural APA Outreach Award, captured what’s so special about it: “Arion is the one journal I would most want to show friends outside the Classics to demonstrate our exuberant variety of form and content, and its continued vitality.” At the same time, Arion is available in most of the world’s best libraries because it demands the highest standards of scholarship from its contributors, whether prominent or promising scholars.
Professor Herbert Golder has been Director and Editor in Chief of Arion since 1990. He is Professor of Classical Studies at Boston University, author of many articles on theatre, tragedy, and myth, and writer, director, and/or producer of several award-winning films, including (with Werner Herzog) My Son, My Son, What Have Ye Done and Ballad of a Righteous Merchant.
Dr. Brandon Jones is managing editor of Arion, member of Boston University's Classical Studies Department, and author of many articles on Greek and Roman intellectual and social history.

Aôthen Magazine
Aôthen Magazine is a magazine that is dedicated to all kinds of classics-inspired content as a celebration of both archaeology and history. By using creative media as a bridge, Aôthen aims to create an environment for non-academics to cultivate their interest in classics, as well as to make classics accessible and enjoyable to all.
Aôthen Magazine is run by Samantha Ng, an incoming UCL Classical Archaeology and Classical Civilization student. Her experience as a WOC student struggling to engage in classics fuelled her desire to start Aôthen in hopes of creating an environment where classical studies is accessible to those without formal classics education.
Aôthen's media team is made up of Kaitlin Smith and D. Arthur Kabdol, who take great care in the magazine's Twitter presence. Not only do their posts promote the magazine, but they also platform translations and quotes from various pieces of classical literature.
The magazine's team also includes Dominic Wexler (assistant reader) and Abby Masucol (graphic designer), who are invaluable to helping Aôthen put together issues and curate work.

Casting Through Ancient Greece
The Casting Through Ancient Greece podcast series is for newcomers to Greek history, as well as those with an already developed interest in Greek history. The series will focus on telling the story of Ancient Greek history from Pre-Historic times all the way through into the Hellenistic Age.
Mark Selleck
Creator, writer and producer of the Casting Through Ancient Greece podcast series.

Common Ground
Common Ground is a First Nations-led not-for-profit in Australia. They are working to shape a society that centres First Nations people and self-determination in everything. Common Ground amplifies First Nations voices by creating safe spaces for First Nations people to share stories. They make resources to support teachers to bring First Nations histories and cultures into their classrooms in ways that are safe and engaging. And they work with First Nations communities across Australia to record and strengthen stories that are sacred to their cultures. One of their most loved campaigns in First Nations Bedtime Stories - an annual week of storytelling that brings Dreaming stories as old as time into homes and classrooms around Australia.
Rona Glynn-McDonald is proud Kaytetye woman from Central Australia and the founding CEO of Common Ground.
Gemma Pol is a Wiradjuri, Ngemba and Paakantji woman and the First Nations Knowledge Manager at Common Ground.
Rory Sinclair is the Senior Communications Advisor at Common Ground.

Egypopcult is the only project funded by a public institution focusing on popular culture and Egyptology. It is based at the University of Lisbon and has a multidisciplinary team. The fundamental objective of the project is the insertion of contemporary popular culture into academic studies of the reception of ancient Egypt. Among the main achievements of the project are a database, an international conference, a collective monograph, seminars, activities in secondary schools, the creation of a network of researchers and enthusiasts, interviews in the press, podcasts, etc.
Eleanor Dobson, Lecturer University of Birmingham
Filip Taterka, Associate professor Polish Academy of Sciences
José das Candeias Sales, Full Professor Universidade Aberta de Lisboa
Nuno Simões Rodrigues, Associate Professor Universidade de Lisboa
Rogério Sousa, Assocaite Professor Universidade de Lisboa
Samuel Fernández Pichel, Lecturer Universidad de Sevilla
Sara Woodward, Lecturer University of Leeds
Tara Sewell-Lasater, Lecturer Montana State University
Thomas Gamelin, Lecturer Université Charles-de-Gaulle Lille 3
Guillermo Juberías Gracia, Lecturer Université Lyon II
Leire Olabarria, Assocaite professor University of Birmingham
Jean-Guillaume Olette-Pelletier, Associate member Sorbonne University
Alfonso Álvarez-Ossorio Rivas, Associate Professor Universidad de Sevilla
Marc Orriols Llonch, Associate Professor Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona
Abraham I. Fernández Pichel, Researcher and Lecturer Universidade de Lisboa

Flyover Zone
Flyover Zone brings heritage sites from around the globe to your home or classroom. Partnering with leading scholars and museums, they digitally reconstruct cultural artifacts and sites and make them available online for students, scholars, and history enthusiasts.
• Yorescape offers full-length (3-4 hour) virtual tours of the Roman Forum, Acropolis, and more. Each tour offers expert-guided audio commentary and time warps to see the sites today and at their peak.
• The Virtual Museum is a collection of 700+ 3D digital artifacts from museums around the globe.
Both platforms are available on mobile phones, desktops, web, and VR.
Bernard Frischer, (Retired) Prof. of Art History and Classics at Indiana University

Hellenistic History
Hellenistic History is a project which is primarily meant as an online resource for the study of the Hellenistic period of ancient Greek history and provides a variety of resources, via a website, instagram and tiktok accounts, for students and the general public interested in learning more about the Hellenistic period. In recent years, it has also become a platform for people working on specific topics of the ancient world to share their work with others in the form of blog posts!
Dr Elke Close is an Ancient Historian from Belgium. Her love for ancient history began during her studies of Ancient Greek and Latin in secondary school and only grew from there. She studied ancient history at the Catholic University of Leuven and obtained a PhD in Classics from the University of Edinburgh. She lived in Greece for several years during her Eramus exchange programme and her stint as an Onasssis Fellow. She currently is a Classical Languages and Ancient Cultures Teacher in Maastricht in the Netherlands. In 2017 she started Hellenistic History as a side project to showcase her travels in Greece and promote the Hellenistic World, which not enough people know about!

Immortals Reenactment
Immortals Re-enactment aims to bring awareness to the fascinating history of Achaemenid Persia. We do in-person events where we interact with members of the public and offer a tactile experience of what Achaemenid Persian life was like. We also create displays where we recreate ancient battles involving the Achaemenids. We are also experimenting with online sessions for the public and for our members.
Dr Ellie Bennett - Chair: I love the history of the ancient Middle East - in fact, I'm studying for a PhD in it! I love teaching people about the history, and on the field you'll see me with a bow and arrow!
Dr Erik Jellyman - Treasurer: Even though I'm a physicist, I really enjoy the Persian history and culture. You will usually find me with a spear and a sword on the battlefield.
Edward Rowson - Secretary: I became a reenactor when I was 12, and the passion I found the hobby has followed me through my degree and into the exciting world of Immortals Reenactment! You'll always find me with the biggest shield and silliest hat!

Learn Egyptology
Learn Egyptology uses lecture-format videos to make Egyptology and especially its more technical aspects easier to understand for the public. The current focus is on the Middle Egyptian language, providing in-depth explanations and examples of the grammar of the notoriously difficult language. As the project continues, it will include videos on other stages of the Egyptian language and aspects of ancient Egypt's history and culture.
Jacob Glenister is a Ph.D. student in Near Eastern Languages and Civilization focused on Egyptology at the University of Pennsylvania. His academic interests within the field are broad and include the Egyptian language family's connections to its neighbors and the society and material culture of Egypt's Predynastic Period. He also works as a tour guide for the University of Pennsylvania Museum.

Moan Inc.
Moan Inc. (which stands for MOdern ANcients) acts as the middle man between the myths we are told as children and the university lecture space everyone tries to avoid. By bringing the ancient world into the familiar light of the 21st century, Moan aims to show our viewers that the ancient world isn’t as tough or complicated to study as one may think.
The creator of Moan Inc. is Erica Stevenson (hi!). I received my Bachelor of Arts in Classical Civilisation from New York University in 2017 after graduating in 3 years.

Offa's Dyke Collaboratory
The Offa's Dyke Collaboratory promotes and supports research projects investigating the dates, compositions, design and functions of early medieval linear earthworks in western Britain, as well as their biographies, landscape settings, associations with other ancient sites, monuments, routes and rivers. Through our website and the annual academic peer-reviewed open-access journal - the Offa's Dyke Journal (established 2019) we foster high-quality research and public engagement in the wider context of wider comparative work on frontiers and borderlands across the globe from prehistory to the present.
Professor Howard Williams BSc MA PhD FSA, in collaboration with a range of academics and heritage professionals, enthusiasts and volunteers, creating a research network for Offa's Dyke, Wat's Dyke and Early Medieval Western Britain

Per-Hay Studio
Per-Hay Studio brings ancient Egypt to life with two video documentary series on YouTube. Ancient Egyptian Object Stories examines ancient Egyptian artifacts with the goal of teaching the casual viewer about Egypt through objects. Ancient Lives on the Nile examines ancient Egyptian themes with the goal to present ancient Egyptian personhood, focusing on interpersonal relationships and the Egyptian voice, and combatting sensationalist perspectives and interpretations found in mainstream television documentaries.
Briana received her PhD in Egyptian art and archaeology from the Institute of Fine Arts, New York University in 2021. Her dissertation examined the spread of Aten cult throughout Egypt and Sudan. Briana's main research interests are the Amarna Period, Egypt's international relations, and archaeogaming.

Project Puliran: Archaeology and Heritage of Laguna de Bay
This project, which will commence in 2024, explores the archaeology around the largest lake in the Philippines known as Laguna de Bay and hope to address the role of ancient lakeshore societies in the global maritime network in the past. Aside from reports and publications, this project aims to develop a website and an active social media page for public accessibility. The social media page for this project will be launched on January 2024.

The American Institute for Roman Culture/Ancient Rome Live
The American Institute for Roman Culture works tirelessly to preserve and protect Rome’s extraordinary and unique cultural legacy through education, outreach, and action.
Dr Darius A. Arya (CEO of the American Institute for Roman Culture) works tirelessly to promote Roman culture and history via digital mediums including social media (Twitter, Instagram) and live-streaming (Periscope, Facebook Live).

The Egypt in Minecraft Project
The Egypt in Minecraft Project is a several year long work to bring the Land of Egypt and Nubia to life in a free and playable form. The Project contains 25 towns, hundreds of pyramids, tombs, sites both real and fictional, and stories to immerse yourself in the lives of the ancients. All based off real discoveries and publications. The Egypt in Minecraft Project may be the most extensive digital recreation of Egypt and its archeology ever attempted. All that is required is Minecraft Java and a desire to learn about the Ancient World.
Charley Cooper created the Egypt in Minecraft Project to be a learning experience for both himself and others. For the past few years he's researched and worked to bring the history of Egypt to life in a free and playable form.

The Hellenistic Age Podcast
A podcast dedicated to the Hellenistic Age, a period of Eurasian and North African history from the time of Alexander the Great to Cleopatra VII of Egypt (323-30 B.C.)
To introduce listeners to one of the most exciting but less understood periods of the ancient world, providing a straightforward narrative format alongside special topic episodes and guest interviews with the foremost experts of the field. Transcripts, bibliographies, maps, and other resources are freely made available for listeners to aid in their understanding.
Derek Latal

The Ozymandias Project
Founded in 2020, The Ozymandias Project LLC strives to connect modern societies to ancient worlds through public outreach initiatives. We provide coaching & consulting services and introduce our audience to game-based learning through Archaeogaming streams and videos via Twitch & YouTube. We also design custom Archaeogaming videos and lesson modules for classroom usage.
Join host Lexie Henning on our podcast Ancient Office Hours, as she chats with thought leaders in academia and the entertainment industry about how they got into their field, their current research/projects, and how the ancient world inspires them. Together they strive to connect modern societies to ancient worlds, examine the practicality of going into ancient studies, and talk about why it’s important to fund the humanities. Our goal is to increase access to information about the ancient world and the people who are influenced by it.
Alexandra "Lexie" Henning - Founder/CEO & Podcast Host
Daniel Maday - Co-Founder & Executive Producer

The Queer Classicist
The Queer Classicist site was created to share how weird, colourful, and sexual the Ancient World really was. As a Queer student of Classics, Yentl Love was increasingly annoyed by both the heteronormativity and elitism of the field, and so created The Queer Classicist to share research about often overlooked parts of ancient history, in a fun and accessible way. With posts ranging from how antiquity appears in the music videos of Lil Nas X and Harry Styles, to exploring evidence of ancient Transgender lives, The Queer Classicist brings together Classics, Pop Culture and Politics to entertain and educate.
Yentl Love (She/Her) is an independent researcher of Ancient History, and the creator of The Queer Classicist in which she writes about how sexy, weird, and relatable Ancient History can be.

Três egiptólogues entram num bar (Three Egyptologists Walk Into a Bar)
Três egiptólogues entram num bar is a podcast about ancient Egypt and Egyptology in Portuguese. Our goal is to make ancient Egypt better known, as well as more accessible, to Portuguese-speaking audiences, since not much about ancient Egypt is published in Portuguese. The podcast features different types of episodes: thematic one-offs that cover a wide array of topics including Egyptian art and Egyptian religion; a historical series, offering an overview of all periods of Egyptian history; episodes about what it means to be an academic Egyptologist; conversations with other Portuguese-speaking scholars of ancient Egypt; and a book club.
Inês Torres, Postdoctoral Fellow and Researcher at Nova University Lisbon’s Centre for the Humanities (CHAM). Her main research interests focus on the role of the ancient Egyptian tomb as a social space, where memories about the deceased were shaped by the space and decoration.
Luiza Osorio G. Silva, Assistant Professor of Art History, Archaeology, and Visual Studies at the University of California, Irvine. Her main research interests focus on ancient Egyptian kingship, particularly how it would have been experienced by non-royal people in the Middle Kingdom.
Guilherme Borges Pires, PhD Candidate at Nova University Lisbon and a Researcher at the Centre for the Humanities (CHAM). His main research interests focus on the conceptions of the creator god and creation in New Kingdom religious hymns.
All three of us work on the podcast together. The podcast is part of our wider project, which we work on with other colleagues, to increase the dissemination of Egyptological scholarship (and knowledge about the ancient world more broadly) to Portuguese speakers.

Warlords of History Podcast
The Warlords of History Podcast is a show that follows the lifetimes of ancient and medieval military leaders who were titans during their respective eras, shaking the very grounds in which they lived, fought and died. Also exploring the social and political forces that were swirling around them and colliding, in a violent fashion, to spark audacious military campaigns, monumental battles, empires created and destroyed, among other achievements that enabled these prolific figures to carve their names into the annals of history.
Objective: To make history exciting and understandable through compelling storytelling.
Mark Pimenta, Creator and Host of the Warlords of History Podcast

Yousif Aziz
The goal is to create a series of digital artworks (illustrations and character design) that depict the ancient Mesopotamian civilizations and their culture, religion, art, and architecture. by using modern techniques and tools to bring these civilizations to life and share them with a wider audience.
Yousif Aziz, the founder of the project, an Iraqi artist.