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Share Your Experience of the Ancient World!

Our team of Summer Interns has developed a year-long social media campaign called the "Inspire Campaign" which began on September 1st. The aim of the campaign is to inspire curiosity, engagement, education and enjoyment with and from the Ancient World.

The Ancient World & Me

Ancient and Me

We want to dedicate one day of the week highlighting YOUR stories in a series called “The Ancient World & Me”.

We are looking for personal reflections and stories about how you have interacted with, learned about, been exposed to, or think about the ancient world in your own life. Have you ever visited an archaeological site during a family vacation and learned something you can't forget? Do you have a favorite museum object that you connect to your own life/experience? Has a book, cartoon or movie sparked your interest in the ancient world when you were a kid? We want to hear about it! If you have a picture that you would like to share with this post (for example, your selfie with a museum object, your vacation photo) please upload it below.

We will select our favourite submissions and post them in connection to our weekly themes and topics (we can’t guarantee that your post will be selected, but if it is, we will email you about the date it will be posted). The posts will appear on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter along with your image and social media handle (optional). You will have the full ownership of your image and content. SASA will only post it as part of the social media Inspire campaign.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us:

Ancient & Me Post Examples

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The Ancient World & Me Submission

Please submit an image that connects to your story/personal reflection. Make sure that you own the copyrights to the image (it is a photo taken by you). 

Upload Image

Thank you for submitting!

Scholars & Students of the Ancient World

Scholars and Students
One of these series will be dedicated to highlighting scholars and students working on the ancient world and feature their research to show that people studying the ancient world come from all backgrounds. In line with this goal, we would like to feature videos where students/scholars respond to one or several of the questions below. 


  • The video should be 3-5 minutes long (5 minutes maximum).

  • Please send us up to 3 images (images you own or that are public domain) related to your research or things you will be mentioning in the video. 


If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us:

Check out the SASA Studio for archives of our Scholars & Students submissions!

Scholars & Students Video Submission Questions

Introduce yourself and what aspect about the ancient world you work on! (Please make sure to explain terms that may not be clear to general audiences such as Assyriology, Egyptology, Bioarchaeology, etc.)

What was your favorite subject in school/college? Why? (If it connects to your job/studies/work on the ancient world).

Why are you interested in studying the ancient world? Or why did you decide to study the ancient world?

How can the skills you learned in ancient studies be used in other jobs/careers? (What transferable skills do/did you learn studying the ancient world?)

What is the most difficult part of your job/research? (Ethical issues, contemporary political situations, exclusionary practices, physical limitations, difficulties based on identity/race/gender/education/economic background). 

If you could change one thing in your discipline, what would it be, and why?

Scholars & Students of the Ancient World Submission

Please submit your video. It should be between 3-5 minutes long (5 minutes maximum).

Upload Video

Please send us up to 3 images (images you own or are public domain) related to your research or things you will be mentioning in the video. 

Upload Image
Upload Image
Upload Image

Thank you for submitting!


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El programa educativo de Archaeogaming de SASA está
subvencionado por el NJCH y la Universidad de Carolina del Norte.

Descrube más aqui .

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Any views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this Web resource, do not necessarily represent those of the National Endowment for the Humanities.


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