Opening the Ancient World
dom 15 de ago
|Online Conference
A FREE Virtual Conference presented by Digital Hammurabi & SASA

Time & Location
15 ago 2021, 12:00 a.m. – 16 ago 2021, 12:00 p.m.
Online Conference
About the Event
Opening the Ancient World
Theme: Religion, History, and Culture
Sunday August 15th and Monday August 16th, 2021
Digital Hammurabi and Save Ancient Studies Alliance have partnered to create a new type of conference for ALL Ancient Studies scholars.
Any scholar of the Ancient Mediterranean and Mesopotamia, broadly defined, is welcomed and encouraged to submit an academic paper proposal in the subject areas of Religion, Culture, or History. In addition, all presenters are strongly encouraged to participate in at least one of the two discussion groups, as follows.
The conference will also include two round-table discussions to conclude each day: