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Crewing the Ship: Port Ancient Highlight - Three Egyptologists Walk Into a Bar

mié 10 de jul


Youtube, Facebook, Twitch

Join us as we chat with the Luiza Osorio G Silva, Guilherme Borges Pires and Inês Torres of Três egiptólogues entram num bar (Three Egyptologists Walk Into a Bar)! Hosted by Parthika Sharma.

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Crewing the Ship: Port Ancient Highlight - Three Egyptologists Walk Into a Bar
Crewing the Ship: Port Ancient Highlight - Three Egyptologists Walk Into a Bar

Time & Location

10 jul 2024, 12:00 p.m. – 12:30 p.m. GMT-4

Youtube, Facebook, Twitch

About the Event

Join us as we interview our Port Ancient Parter: Três egiptólogues entram num bar (Three Egyptologists Walk Into a Bar)!

Três egiptólogues entram num bar (Three Egyptologists Walk Into a Bar) is a podcast about ancient Egypt and Egyptology in Portuguese. The goal is to make ancient Egypt better known, as well as more accessible, to Portuguese-speaking audiences, since not much about ancient Egypt is published in Portuguese. The podcast features different types of episodes: thematic one-offs that cover a wide array of topics including Egyptian art and Egyptian religion; a historical series, offering an overview of all periods of Egyptian history; episodes about what it means to be an academic Egyptologist; conversations with other Portuguese-speaking scholars of ancient Egypt; and a book club.

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