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Mentorship Program

SASA is delighted to announce our newest project: The Mentorship Program.

Are you currently pursuing, or thinking about pursuing, a degree in Ancient Studies? Or, are you already an Ancient Studies graduate and looking for opportunities to share your knowledge with others?  This program might be for you!

Applications for Mentees and Mentors will open in September, 2023

Program Goals

 To help prospective students

  • Decide if pursuing a degree in Ancient Studies is right for them by providing the opportunity to explore various disciplines within the Ancient Studies spectrum in a safe environment

  • Learn about possible career paths inside and outside of academia after pursuing a degree in Ancient Studies. 


Provide those already well-versed in Ancient Studies the opportunity to mentor and share their wealth of knowledge.


Become a Mentor
with SASA!

Why should you become a mentor with us? Becoming a mentor is a great way to connect with students, give back to the community, and gain experience in mentoring practices. Our goal for mentors is to inspire a future generation through sharing their wisdom and knowledge about the Ancient world while acquiring valuable leadership experience and teaching to help them progress in their own professional careers. We welcome mentors with a Bachelor's degree in any discipline related to Ancient Studies who are passionate about outreach and mentoring and are willing to comply with the program's regulations. At SASA, we recognize that mentoring comes with specific challenges. Hence, we will provide monthly sessions where mentors can network, connect, and share their experiences with other mentors from our program. We hope these meetings will form a community and a creative space for the continued development of this program. Program Structure: SASA aims to create a community where all interested in Ancient Studies can collaborate and support each other. In line with this commitment, the Mentorship program exercises the Cohort Mentorship Approach, where one mentor will have up to three mentees to form a cohort. Each cohort will be assembled based on student interests and expectations for this program, and mentor availability and compatibility. We hope this approach will facilitate meaningful, productive, and confidence-building conversations for both mentors and mentees. This program is conducted online for a duration of three months, with the possibility of extension dependent upon mentor and mentees’ availability and continued interest in the program. Cohorts will meet at least once every two weeks for one hour. Both mentors and mentees are responsible for scheduling meetings at a day and time appropriate for all parties. SASA's Mentorship Team will assist and oversee the cohort’s progression. In addition to cohort meetings, SASA’S Mentorship Team will organize social events and talks on relevant subjects for mentees, which mentors are welcome to join. Mentors are also encouraged to attend monthly meetings with SASA’s Mentorship Team to discuss their work in the program and network. This is an unpaid volunteer position, but upon cohort completion, Mentors will be provided with a letter of recommendation to take with them to future employment opportunities. Mentor applications will open soon. Want to volunteer in the program but don't have enough time? For those unable to commit long-term to the mentorship program but still want to share their knowledge and gain valuable experience, SASA is seeking volunteers to prepare and conduct presentations introducing mentees to various Ancient Studies disciplines. Each event will last about an hour and consist of a short, maximum 20-minute presentation about a chosen topic and Q&A time. We welcome applicants with at least a Bachelor's degree in any Ancient Studies related field. Mentorship Events Guest Speakers application will open soon

Become a Mentee
with SASA!

SASA’s aim for mentees in the Mentorship Program is to provide you the opportunity to experience what it's like to study various disciplines within the Ancient Studies spectrum without fees or long-term commitment. No experience in Ancient Studies is required to apply to this program; rather, this program is designed so you can explore topics in Ancient Studies and decide if pursuing a degree in this discipline is suitable for you. SASA does not provide alternatives to career counseling or mentoring you already receive; the goal of this program is to enable you to take advantage of as many guiding opportunities as you can. By connecting you with mentors who have studied Ancient Studies, we want to allow you a glimpse into the world of higher education from those who have experienced it first hand. How the Program works: Every mentee in our program belongs to a cohort of two to three mentees and one mentor. Cohorts are assembled based on the compatibility of needs and interests. SASA does not judge your application based on your grades, references, or current knowledge of ancient studies. Instead, we focus primarily on whether our mentors are versed in your area of interest and will be able to meet your expectations for the program. In addition to cohort meetings, all mentees are strongly encouraged to participate in Mentorship Events hosted by guest speakers and SASA volunteers. During these events, we will cover topics related to Ancient Studies disciplines, with a particular emphasis on studying ancient languages, and general queries about studying at a higher education level, and more. Applications for mentee positions will open in the summer of 2023


Mentorship Team 

Agnieszka Arcisz - Program Manager - 

Aditya Ramachandran - Volunteer - 

Autumn Short - Volunteer -

Griffin Fox - Volunteer -

Stephanie Rice - Volunteer -

Stella Gold Program - Intern -

Jessie Radcliffe - Intern -


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