"The Ancient Olympic Games"
الخميس، ٠١ يوليو
SASA Summer Text-in-Translation Reading Group led by John Haberstroh.

Time & Location
٠١ يوليو ٢٠٢١، ٤:٠٠ م – ٥:٠٠ م غرينتش-٤
About the Event
Previous participation and previous knowledge not required.
Want to know what it takes to win at the Olympic Games? Thousands of dreamy-eyed athletes for millennia have sought the answers to this question. With the 2021 Tokyo Games around the corner (or perhaps not!), now is the time to read up on how the ancient Olympic Games worked, their significance in the world of ancient and modern sport, and why we cannot help but look away from scenes of competition. In this reading group, we will discuss the origins of the ancient Olympic Games, learn about the various competitions that took place (some might surprise you), and explore some curious, bizarre, and inspiring stories told by ancient Greek and Roman authors about the brutal, glorious, and downright dangerous games. Together, we will find out just what makes an Olympian.
Participants only need to register for each SASA Reading Group once. Once you RSVP you will receive a Confirmation Email, where you will find a link to the Live Syllabus for the Reading Group; with Zoom Meeting links, reading links, info on your Educational Ambassadors, and more!
Length: 4-weeks
Day/Time: Thursday @ 4pm EDT
Starting: July 1st
Ending: July 22nd
If you did not receive an email after RSVPing, please check your spam folder for a confirmation email with links and info.