"Representations of “The Other” in Ancient Egyptian Literature"
الثلاثاء، ١٥ يونيو
SASA Summer Text-in-Translation Reading Group led by Kate Minniti & Dr. Briana C. Jackson

Time & Location
١٥ يونيو ٢٠٢١، ١١:٠٠ ص – ١٢:٠٠ م غرينتش-٤
About the Event
Previous participation and previous knowledge not required.
*Don't miss out! This is the ONLY Egyptian history focused SASA Reading Group for Summer 2021!*
In the mainstream, ancient Egypt is often considered without a geographical context; however the Egyptians were strongly aware of their place within the world that was known to them. As with most ancient civilizations, the ancient Egyptian worldview centered around their belief that their land and peoples were superior to other lands and peoples. This worldview is exemplified in pharaonic art and literature, and these representations also permeated non-royal contexts.
Participants only need to register for each SASA Reading Group once. Once you RSVP you will receive a Confirmation Email, where you will find a link to the Live Syllabus for the Reading Group; with Zoom Meeting links, reading links, info on your Educational Ambassadors, and more!
Length: 6-weeks
Day/Time: Tuesdays @ 11am EDT
Starting: June 15th
Ending: July 20th
SASA Reading Group Certificates are available upon request after completion of the 6-week Reading Group for those who participated in 4 or more sessions.