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SASA Work-in-Progress Forum

الأحد، ١٣ نوفمبر


Zoom Meeting

These monthly informal gatherings are for Ancient Studies Independent Scholars and other researchers and students to present their recent research for direct feedback from an audience of like-minded scholars and students, and for the audience to engage with current research.

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SASA Work-in-Progress Forum
SASA Work-in-Progress Forum

Time & Location

١٣ نوفمبر ٢٠٢٢، ١٢:٠٠ م – ١:٠٠ م غرينتش-٥

Zoom Meeting

About the Event

SASA’s Work-in-Progress Forum is a project of SASA’s Working Group on Independent Scholar Community Building, which began in Fall 2021 as an outgrowth of the Roundtables from our first annual Virtual Conference. These monthly informal gatherings are for Ancient Studies Independent Scholars and other researchers and students to present their recent research for direct feedback from an audience of like-minded scholars and students, and for the audience to engage with current research.

To apply to present at a Work-in-Progress Forum, please fill out the form LINKED HERE with this information:

  • Name
  • Email
  • Field of Study of Your Work
  • Subject/Title of what you’re working on
  • Specific piece of recent research you will present
  • Link to draft abstract or section (if you are ready to share)
  • Select upcoming meeting to present at

Participants will receive a Zoom link in the confirmation email after registration. If you do not receive an email, check your spam folder. 

By RSVPing, you are agreeing that a recording of the event can be shared with others who attended previous Working Group meetings. 

Topics presented over the past year include:  Greek History - Panhellenism The Great Pyramid of Khufu - The Great Pyramid- How on Earth did they build it? Egyptology - Medico-magical papyri from Gender Studies Ancient Phrygia - The Phrygian Cap Late Antiquity - Epistolary Miracles in Late Antique Gaul Ancient Egyptian Art - Unprovenanced Limestone Stela in the Louvre Museum Egyptology - A synoptic study of the Book of the Dead Assyriology - Royal Gender in Neo-Assyrian royal Ideology Greek History - Tyche in Julian's letter to Themistius. Egyptology - A Re-examination of the Burial of Tutankhamun Egyptology - Consequences of not Correcting Egyptian Genealogies Archaeology - Cinnamon in Antiquity

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