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About Us

Save Ancient Studies Alliance breaks barriers to education about humanity’s diverse past in order to advance intercultural empathy, equity, and cooperation today.

What is Ancient Studies?

We understand Ancient Studies as a coherent, cohesive academic and educational concept that consists of the exploration of the deep past of all cultures and societies across the world that are distant from us in time.

The new Ancient Studies intentionally brings together all fields engaging in deeper histories, and seeks people of all socio-cultural and socio-economic backgrounds to be active participants in the production and dissemination of knowledge about their and others’ deep histories.

The Value of Ancient Studies

The study of peoples and cultures distant from us in time is profoundly important in understanding humanity and has intrinsic contemporary relevance due to its emphasis on engaging with the variety, difference, and commonality between different cultures. In this light, Ancient Studies is a unique vehicle for producing intercultural empathy, which is at the heart of advancing social justice.


We envision a new Ancient Studies in which education in worldwide Ancient Studies is a key piece of formal education at all levels, with its goal set as the understanding of human cultures and societies past and present. The public appreciates allusions to the deep past in popular culture with a feeling of familiarity and connectedness in spite of difference.

To support this, all academic disciplines that focus on any part of the pre-modern world work together and strive to build on these four principles: equity, inclusion, collaboration, and public outreach. The lost knowledge of so many past cultures that has been painstakingly recovered over the past 200 years is preserved, expanded, and reshaped in a postcolonial mindset. In this future, the power of engaging with the global past lends appreciation for the variety and value of all human groups and serves as a foundation for social, political, economic, and technological progress.

Core Values


Equitable Programming

Fostering Diversity and Increasing Representation

As an organization, we believe that regardless of gender identity, sexual orientation, nationality, age, race, disability, religion, socio-economic or professional status, everyone must be respected for who they are. Everyone has a right to high-level learning, and everyone must be supported in this journey. SASA is creating new ways to bring marginalized groups into humanities education. We take pride in our efforts to reach and engage underserved communities, schools, and scholars.

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Increasing Access to Education

Opening the Ancient World

In an ideal world, people of all backgrounds have complete access to education about the past. To achieve that vision, SASA breaks barriers to learning about the ancient world by providing open-access resources in multiple languages, offering all of our programming for free, and actively works to disseminate our offerings.

Enacting Change

Walkin’ the Walk

We walk the walk by translating beliefs into action. As individuals and as an organization, the SASA Team values inclusivity, compassion, and respect in everything we do.


Passionate Service

Giving Back

Our work is primarily done by volunteers who believe in the cause of spreading education about the ancient past in order to shape our future by giving back to our communities.

Digital Community

Local as Global

Since we believe the past belongs to everyone, we strive toward an integrated public, educational, and scholarly community across the world.

The SASA Arc

How we work toward our goals

SASA’s programming is aimed at a variety of audiences in order to affect change throughout the educational cycle and in multiple public learning spaces. We target K-12 through graduate students, professional educators to independent researchers, and interested amateurs to tenured professors.

1 - Public Outreach & Exposure

Harnessing interest in the deep past to raise awareness for ancient studies as the source of our knowledge about the ancient world.


2 - Education Support

Supporting formal and informal Ancient Studies learning at all educational levels.


3- Increasing Accessibility

Providing free online resources, educational spaces, and public scholarships to open Ancient Studies for all.


4 - Research

Studying the fields we call Ancient Studies with Educational Sociology & Marketing Research approaches to guide our work.


5 - Community Building

Bringing together all enthusiasts, students, graduates, and scholars of the ancient, premodern past worldwide.


6 - Supporting Scholarship

Re-envisioning and supporting scholarship as a lifelong pursuit for all Ancient Studies graduates.


7 - Advocacy

Working to influence decision-makers in educational and public humanities institutions to increase Ancient Studies offerings.



National Endowment for the Humanities

Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation

University of North Carolina's Humanities for     the Public Good

New Jersey Council for the Humanities

Wenner-Gren Foundation

Society for Classical Studies

Society of Biblical Literature​


​Dr. Mitchell Allen

Dr. Barry Kinzbrunner

Heather Rosmarin, Esq.

​Dr. Barbara A. Porter

​Dr. Jerrold Cooper

​Dr. Christine Hayes

Dr. John Haberstroh

​Dr. Charles E. Jones

Thomas Heagy

Philippe Rassalle

​Ben Kacyra

Dr. Daniel Boyarin

Dr. Joel Christensen

Awards & Prizes

New Jersey Council for the Humanities, Katz Prize in Public Humanities, 2024, Honorable Mention

Corporate Sponsorships


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SASA's Archaeogaming Education Program is supported by grants from NEH, NJCH, and University of North Carolina.

Learn more here.

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Any views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this Web resource, do not necessarily represent those of the National Endowment for the Humanities.


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